
Knit a Summer Washcloth and Soap Sack

Tue, Jun 18, 19

Kelley debuted these patterns on her Facebook Live show, Technique Tuesday. Join her every Tuesday at 9:30 am Pacific on our Facebook feed. If you're not a fan yet, we'd love to have you!

Soap in a Sack

Yarn: Universal Bamboo Pop

Needles: US 2 40-inch circulars

Use Judy's Magic Cast-On to cast on 24 stitches (12 stitches on each needle).

Join to work in the round, using the Magic Loop technique.

Rounds 1 and 2: *K2, P2* to end of round.

Round 3: Purl across round.

Repeat rounds 1–3 for pattern until soap fits snugly inside then proceed to next round.

Bind off with the Russian bind-off, with soap inside sack. (Kelley demos the Russian bind-off in her Technique Tuesday video, at about the 15:35 mark.)


Yarn: Universal Bamboo Pop

Needles: US 2 40-inch circulars

Use the cable cast-on to cast on 38 stitches.

Join to work in the round, using the Magic Loop technique.

Round 1: Knit 6 rounds.

Round 2 and 3: K3, *K2, P2* to last 3 stitches, K3.

Round 4: Knit across round.

Repeat rounds 2–4 for pattern until your work measures desired length, ending last repeat after round 3.

Knit 6 more rounds.

Bind off and weave in ends to complete.

These projects are perfect summer gifts!

Here's the weekly episode where Kelley share these summer project ideas.