
Knitting News from our store in North Idaho

Thu, Jan 10, 13

Hi There, this is Maria with just a quick post to show off and brag on some of the fellow fiber artisans I work with here at Alpaca Direct.

First is Kjirsten from our Customer Service Department in a beautiful sweater she knit with her own hand spun yarn! The photo doesn't do it justice. This woman has some serious talent.

The next three photos are projects knitted by our very own Kelley Hobart, owner of Alpaca Direct. Kelley is an avid knitter, completing projects big and small faster than I can cast on. I am serious. Not only is she fast, her work is lovely. It rivals, even surpasses the skill of many seasoned knitters I've known.

I am blessed to work with talented, funny, and smart people who enjoy needle crafts as much as I do. Stay tuned for more peeks at what our team is making!