
My Top 10 Reasons to Knit and Crochet

Thu, Mar 23, 17

I was in the shop the other day, and I noticed a list of reasons to knit written on the chalk board behind the cash register. Several of these resonated with me, and I thought they might with you, too. (I think these ideas apply equally to crochet!)

Here's my top 10 list!

10 Reasons to Love Knitting

1. It's relaxing. It is, or should I say, I can be. There are some really complex knitting patterns that I wouldn't exactly call relaxing . . . But every evening I so look forward to sitting down with my knitting and my favorite TV show, so I think I would categorize most of my projects as relaxing.

2. It's rewarding. Isn't it wonderful to wear our handknits and rake in the compliments? And this is where those more complex projects fit for me; it's super rewarding to finish a colorwork sweater or lace shawl! Charity knitting or crochet is probably one of my favorite rewarding aspects of knitting. Giving handknits is just the best, and there's so much need out there.

Blue Sky Alpacas Royal Alpaca Royal Baby Set: Cozy and luxurious
baby knitting patterns for a hat, booties and wrap sweater 

3. It's portable. This is one of my favorite things about knitting—I can take it anywhere. With projects ranging from socks, to dishcloths, to hats, mittens, and more, there are so many small projects that we can take with us to coffee shops, baseball games, kids' activities, meetings, and on vacation. I always have a knitting project with me!

4. It's an ice-breaker. I love this one! I've never seen it before, but it's so very true. I've started so many conversations with strangers who ask me about my knitting. And if I visit a store and sit down with my knitting, the other knitters there have always been so welcoming. It's a craft that truly brings people together.

5. It's good for your brain. There are so many studies out there that sing the praises of what knitting can do to improve your mental health. It sure has helped me out during these last few months.

6. It's an adventure. There are patterns for everything! From socks to hats, you can knit something for every part of your body. There are even great patterns for breast prosthetics for people who've had mastectomies.

7. It's all about the fiber. The varieties of yarn out there are almost endless. From cashmere to alpaca to merino to cotton, you can find the perfect yarn for any project you dream up. Have you ever found yourself in a yarn shop petting the yarn and staring out into space? I call this yarn meditation, and it's perfectly normal.

Blue Sky Alpacas Metalico in Opal: A gorgeous blend of
50% baby alpaca/50% mulberry silk

8. Color! Choosing colors used to be hard for me, because I didn't want to step out of my comfort zone of gray, black, and brown. But now I enjoy all kinds of color, from speckled to neon, and everything in between. There are so many gorgeous handpainted yarns out there; the dyers are so talented! 

Madelinetosh Tosh DK Yarn in Woodstock colorway


9. Accouterments. Needles and notions and bags, oh my! I have way too many bags, knitting needles, and fun notions, but if I had to choose some to give away, I think it would break me. I love them all for many different reasons; each one is perfect for a specific project, and I need them all, right? My current obsession is cute scissors. Check out the little blue beauties at left, the Bryson Large Loop Scissors. I heart them. 

10. It's fun. Yes, it is! We love our needlecrafts, and they're an integral part of our lives. I look forward to knitting with my friends every week, seeing their new projects, yarn, and progress. I knit things that I think are challenging, interesting, and yes, FUN!

Leave a comment below and tell me some of your favorite reasons to knit. Did I leave anything out?
