
Zip-Up Seamed Sweater Sleeves

Fri, Mar 19, 21

Kelley is working on the Tsubaki Pullover by Hiroko Fukatsu. This is a paid for pattern which can be found on Ravelry. The pullover sweater has a unique design element – the sleeves are knit flat, then once the ribbed cuff is completed and the sleeve is bound off except for the last stitch, the slipped stitch side seams are picked up and used to "zip up" or knit the sleeve together using the simple pattern that is listed below. The seam looks as lovely as it is easy to knit. This added detail makes the sweater even more elegant! In this week's Technique Tuesday, Kelley shows you how to work these sleeves. 


Zip-Up Seamed Sleeves

  • Pick up and knit 1, pull tight, B.O. 1
  • *slip 2 sts to left, K2tog, K1, B.O. 1 (PSO)* repeat until all the sleeve side stitches have been joined.

Here is the sleeve as a WIP (Unblocked)



Here's a closeup of the seam


Have you ever knit a sweater with sleeved seamed like this?