
How to Knit the Channel Island Bind-Off

Mon, Nov 18, 19

Kelley shows you know to knit the Channel Island bind-off. This bind-off is similar to the Picot bind-off but it's a little more subtle in appearance.

Written Instructions

Bind off using the Channel Island bind-off method as follows;

1. Cast on 2 sts using the knitted cast-on method.

2. *With right needle tip, lift the second stitch on the left needle over the first stitch and off the needle* repeat once more.

3. Slip one stitch from left needle to right needle as if to purl.

4. K2tog on left needle. There are now 2 stitches on right needle.

5. On right needle, slip the second stitch over the first stitch and off the needle.

6. Slip one stitch from the right needle to the left needle. Repeat Steps 1–6 to end of row. Pull tail through last stitch. Weave in ends and block as desired.

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