
Spinzilla is coming!

Fri, Aug 16, 13
We are excited to announce that we will be fielding a team for Spinzilla! This year is the inaugural Spinzilla event. The primary goal of Spinzilla is to spin the most yarn. Each team will attempt to spin as much yarn as possible within the week of October 7-13, 2013. Organizers also hope to raise awareness of handspinning, increase the confidence of individual spinners, and establish a spinning component within the Needle Arts Mentoring Program (NAMP).The Needle Arts Mentoring Program (NAMP) was founded in 1997 by Marilyn North and Bonnie Lively as a fiber arts program for at-risk students. In 2000, TNNA (The National Needlearts Association) and the Craft Yarn Council created the Helping Hands Foundation. The Helping Hands Foundation administers NAMP which has grown steadily since its creation in 2002. Visit the NAMP website for a more thorough account of their history.Join our team here! A Spinzilla Trophy will be awarded to the most yardage spun by a team. Each member of the winning team will receive a prize. All Spinzilla participants will be entered into a drawing for product gift certificates.You can also join the Spinzilla Ravelry Group, there is a discussion board dedicated to Team Alpaca Direct. Also find Spinzilla on Pinterest and facebook. I will be serving as team captain, so if there is anything I can do to help you get going, or any questions I can answer, please email me at